!   $Id: 5528,v 4.1 1994/07/27 18:58:32 pepsa Exp $


  title_1:         FOS CYCLE-4 FOCUS, X-PITCH, AND Y-PITCH
    proposal_for:  CAL/FOS
    pi_fname:      THOMAS
    pi_lname:      WHEELER
    pi_country:    USA
    pi_phone:      (410) 338-4858
    fos:           X
    pi_position:   INSTRUMENT ENGINEER
! end of coverpage


    line_1:        After warm-up to the nominal high voltage, the trim current
    line_2:        is set to zero, and the HV is set to a lower value. Spectra
    line_3:        are then obtained with the 0.1-PAIR
    line_4:        aperture, G190H, and the Pt-Ne lamp. The high-voltage is then
    line_5:        varied in 200 volt increments +/- 600 volts from the nominal
    line_6:        setting with spectra taken at each setting. This will allow
    line_7:        for optimal focus determination.  Once a optimal HV setting
    line_8:        is determined and updates made to the PDB, a series of
    line_9:        spectra at three different X-Bases will be made to determine
    line_10:       the corresponding X-Pitch. Additionally, measurements with
    line_11:       the TALEDs through the 0.1-Pair aperture will be used to
    line_12:       determine Y-Pitch.
    line_13:       This program may result in an instruction flow change to
    line_14:       the detector high voltage setting, the x-pitch value, the
    line_15:       y-pitch value.
    line_17:       This program must be run in early Cycle 4 because the focus
    line_18:       is sensitive to external magnetic fields.  The 3 runs are
    line_19:       to be scheduled 6 months apart.

! end of abstract


  lname:           WHEELER
    fname:         THOMAS
    country:       USA

! end of general_form_proposers block


  question:        2
    section:       1
    line_1:        See Abstract.


  question:        3
    section:       1
    line_1:        After high voltage warm-up, set the trim current to zero,
    line_2:        and the detector HV to 22.66 (blue) or 21.6 (red). Obtain a
    line_3:        spectra with the following configuration:
    line_5:        .......0.1-PAIR lower aperture
    line_6:        .......grating G190H
    line_7:        .......8 x-steps 1 y-step
    line_8:        .......Pt-Ne lamp/ direct
    line_10:       Increase the HV by 200V, wait
    line_11:       1 minute, and repeat the observations as above. Continue to
    line_12:       increase the HV for 6 steps until the maximum voltage is
    line_13:       23.86 (blue) or 22.8 (red).
    line_15:       These observations MUST occur during non-SAA impacted orbits.


  question:        3
    section:       2
    line_1:        If a change to the optimum HV setting is determined from
    line_2:        the procedure described above, and updated to the PDB,
    line_3:        a series of exposures will be required to
    line_4:        calculate the new X-Pitch and Y-Pitch values for the optimal
    line_5:        HV setting.
    line_6:        Obtain a series of three spectra with the following
    line_7:        configuration:
    line_8:        .....0.1-PAIR lower aperture
    line_9:        .....grating G190H
    line_10:       .....8 x-steps 1 y-step
    line_11:       .....Pt-Ne lamp/direct
    line_12:       at three differnt X-BASEs. Then obtain a map of the
    line_13:       photocathode with the following configuration:
    line_14:       .....0.1-PAIR lower aperture
    line_15:       .....camera mirror
    line_16:       .....1 x-step 85 y-step
    line_17:       .....TALED
    line_18:       These observations MUST occur during non-SAA impacted orbits.


  question:        5
    section:       1
    line_1:        The X-Pitch and Y-Pitch measurement observations have been flagged
    line_2:        as COND ON <line> IF HV UPDATED.  We will determine the need to
    line_3:        execute these lines after the first set of observations have been
    line_4:        obtained.
    line_6:        The first run should be run at the beginning of Cycle 4 because
    line_7:        the focus is sensitive to external magnetic fields.  The
    line_8:        tests should be run 6 months apart.


  question:        6
    section:       1
    line_1:        This test is not stray light sensitive. All observations are
    line_2:        internal Pt-Ne and TALED lamp measurements.


  question:        7
    section:       1
    line_1:        Data reduction will be performed at the ST ScI.
    line_2:        This program will determine the correct detector high
    line_3:        voltage, x-pitch, and y-pitch values to be used
    line_7:        in obtaining data, and this information will need to be
    line_8:        updated after any change is measured.

!end of general form text


  lname:           WHEELER
    fname:         THOMAS
    category:      PI
    addr_1:        3700 SAN MARTIN DRIVE
    city:          BALTIMORE
    state:         MD
    zip:           21218
    country:       USA

! end of general_form_address records

! No fixed target records found

! No solar system records found

! No generic target records found


    linenum:       1.000
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    WAIT
    targname:      DARK
    config:        S/C
    opmode:        POINTING
    aperture:      V1
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  60S
    priority:      1
    comment_1:     A 1 MINUTE WAIT FOR STABILITY.


    linenum:       2.000
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    HVSET
    targname:      DARK
    config:        S/C
    opmode:        POINTING
    aperture:      V1
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  100S
    priority:      1
    comment_1:     SET THE HV DAC.


    linenum:       3.000
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    TRIM
    targname:      DARK
    config:        S/C
    opmode:        POINTING
    aperture:      V1
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  1S
    priority:      1
    comment_1:     SET THE TRIM CURRENT.


    linenum:       4.000
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAR
    targname:      WAVE
    config:        FOS/RD
    opmode:        IMAGE
    aperture:      0.1-PAIR-B
    sp_element:    G190H
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  480S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       SUB-STEP=8,
    param_2:       Y-SIZE=1,
    param_3:       X=0,
    param_4:       COMB=YES,
    comment_1:     NORMAL X-BASE.


    linenum:       5.000
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAB
    targname:      WAVE
    config:        FOS/BL
    opmode:        IMAGE
    aperture:      0.1-PAIR-B
    sp_element:    G190H
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  480S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       SUB-STEP=8,
    param_2:       Y-SIZE=1,
    param_3:       X=0,
    param_4:       COMB=YES
    comment_1:     NORMAL X-BASE.


    linenum:       6.000
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    PITCHR
    targname:      WAVE
    config:        FOS/RD
    opmode:        IMAGE
    aperture:      0.1-PAIR-B
    sp_element:    G190H
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  480S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       SUB-STEP=8,
    param_2:       Y-SIZE=1,
    param_3:       X=0,
    param_4:       COMB=YES
    comment_1:     NORMAL X-BASE.


    linenum:       6.100
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    PITCHR
    targname:      WAVE
    config:        FOS/RD
    opmode:        IMAGE
    aperture:      0.1-PAIR-B
    sp_element:    G190H
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  48S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       SUB-STEP=8,
    param_2:       Y-SIZE=1,
    param_3:       X=-512,
    param_4:       COMB=YES
    comment_1:     OFF-NORMAL X-BASE 1. THE IMAGE
    comment_2:     SHOULD SHIFT BY +/-16 DIODES
    comment_3:     (128 PIXELS).


    linenum:       6.200
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    PITCHR
    targname:      WAVE
    config:        FOS/RD
    opmode:        IMAGE
    aperture:      0.1-PAIR-B
    sp_element:    G190H
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  48S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       SUB-STEP=8,
    param_2:       Y-SIZE=1,
    param_3:       X=+512,
    param_4:       COMB=YES
    comment_1:     OFF-NORMAL X-BASE 2. THE IMAGE
    comment_2:     SHOULD SHIFT BY +/-16 DIODES
    comment_3:     (128 PIXELS).


    linenum:       6.300
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    PITCHR
    targname:      TALED
    config:        FOS/RD
    opmode:        IMAGE
    aperture:      0.1-PAIR-B
    sp_element:    MIRROR
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  1700S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       SUB-STEP=4,
    param_2:       Y-SIZE=85,
    param_3:       Y-SPACE=10.54,
    param_4:       COMB=YES,
    param_5:       Y-OFFSET=+253,
    comment_1:     Y-PITCH MEASUREMENT. IMAGE
    comment_3:     -A AND -B APERTURES.


    linenum:       6.500
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    PITCHB
    targname:      WAVE
    config:        FOS/BL
    opmode:        IMAGE
    aperture:      0.1-PAIR-B
    sp_element:    G190H
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  480S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       SUB-STEP=8,
    param_2:       Y-SIZE=1,
    param_3:       X=0,
    param_4:       COMB=YES
    comment_1:     NORMAL X-BASE.


    linenum:       6.600
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    PITCHB
    targname:      WAVE
    config:        FOS/BL
    opmode:        IMAGE
    aperture:      0.1-PAIR-B
    sp_element:    G190H
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  48S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       SUB-STEP=8,
    param_2:       Y-SIZE=1,
    param_3:       X=-512,
    param_4:       COMB=YES
    comment_1:     OFF-NORMAL X-BASE 1. THE IMAGE
    comment_2:     SHOULD SHIFT BY +/-16 DIODES
    comment_3:     (128 PIXELS).


    linenum:       6.700
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    PITCHB
    targname:      WAVE
    config:        FOS/BL
    opmode:        IMAGE
    aperture:      0.1-PAIR-B
    sp_element:    G190H
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  48S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       SUB-STEP=8,
    param_2:       Y-SIZE=1,
    param_3:       X=+512,
    param_4:       COMB=YES
    comment_1:     OFF-NORMAL X-BASE 2. THE IMAGE
    comment_2:     SHOULD SHIFT BY +/-16 DIODES
    comment_3:     (128 PIXELS).


    linenum:       6.800
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    PITCHB
    targname:      TALED
    config:        FOS/BL
    opmode:        IMAGE
    aperture:      0.1-PAIR-B
    sp_element:    MIRROR
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  1700S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       SUB-STEP=4,
    param_2:       Y-SIZE=85,
    param_3:       Y-SPACE=10.54,
    param_4:       COMB=YES,
    param_5:       Y-OFFSET=+253,
    comment_1:     Y-PITCH MEASUREMENT. IMAGE
    comment_3:     -A AND -B APERTURES.


    linenum:       7.000
    sequence_1:    USE HVSET
    req_1:         SEQ 7-25.3 WITHIN 48H;
    req_2:         CYCLE 4 / 7-50;
    req_3:         REPEAT 7-44.3 EVERY 180D +/-
    req_4:         30D FOR 2 MORE TIMES;
    comment_1:     SET HV DAC TO 21.6KV.
    comment_2:     FIRST RUN MUST BE DONE IN EARLY
    comment_3:     CYCLE 4.


    linenum:       8.000
    sequence_1:    USE WAIT


    linenum:       9.000
    sequence_1:    USE TRIM
    comment_1:     SET TRIM CURRENT TO 129 (0 MA).


    linenum:       10.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAR


    linenum:       11.000
    sequence_1:    USE HVSET
    comment_1:     SET HV DAC TO 21.8KV.


    linenum:       12.000
    sequence_1:    USE WAIT


    linenum:       13.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAR


    linenum:       14.000
    sequence_1:    USE HVSET
    comment_1:     SET HV DAC TO 22.0KV.


    linenum:       15.000
    sequence_1:    USE WAIT


    linenum:       16.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAR


    linenum:       17.000
    sequence_1:    USE HVSET
    comment_1:     SET HV DAC TO 22.2KV.


    linenum:       18.000
    sequence_1:    USE WAIT


    linenum:       19.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAR


    linenum:       20.000
    sequence_1:    USE HVSET
    comment_1:     SET HV DAC TO 22.4KV.


    linenum:       21.000
    sequence_1:    USE WAIT


    linenum:       22.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAR


    linenum:       23.000
    sequence_1:    USE HVSET
    comment_1:     SET HV DAC TO 22.6KV.


    linenum:       24.000
    sequence_1:    USE WAIT


    linenum:       25.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAR


    linenum:       25.100
    sequence_1:    USE HVSET
    comment_1:     SET HV DAC TO 22.8KV.


    linenum:       25.200
    sequence_1:    USE WAIT


    linenum:       25.300
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAR


    linenum:       26.000
    sequence_1:    USE HVSET
    req_1:         SEQ 26-44.3 WITHIN 48H;
    comment_1:     SET HV DAC TO 22.66KV.


    linenum:       27.000
    sequence_1:    USE WAIT


    linenum:       28.000
    sequence_1:    USE TRIM
    comment_1:     SET TRIM CURRENT TO 130 (0 MA).


    linenum:       29.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAB


    linenum:       30.000
    sequence_1:    USE HVSET
    comment_1:     SET HV DAC TO 22.86KV.


    linenum:       31.000
    sequence_1:    USE WAIT


    linenum:       32.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAB


    linenum:       33.000
    sequence_1:    USE HVSET
    comment_1:     SET HV DAC TO 23.06KV.


    linenum:       34.000
    sequence_1:    USE WAIT


    linenum:       35.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAB


    linenum:       36.000
    sequence_1:    USE HVSET
    comment_1:     SET HV DAC TO 23.26KV.


    linenum:       37.000
    sequence_1:    USE WAIT


    linenum:       38.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAB


    linenum:       39.000
    sequence_1:    USE HVSET
    comment_1:     SET HV DAC TO 23.46KV.


    linenum:       40.000
    sequence_1:    USE WAIT


    linenum:       41.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAB


    linenum:       42.000
    sequence_1:    USE HVSET
    comment_1:     SET HV DAC TO 23.66KV.


    linenum:       43.000
    sequence_1:    USE WAIT


    linenum:       44.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAB


    linenum:       44.100
    sequence_1:    USE HVSET
    comment_1:     SET HV DAC TO 23.86KV.


    linenum:       44.200
    sequence_1:    USE WAIT


    linenum:       44.300
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    SPECTRAB


    linenum:       45.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    PITCHR
    req_1:         COND IF HV UPDATED 1;
    comment_1:     TO BE RUN AFTER NEW HV UPDATE
    comment_2:     HAS BEEN COMPLETED


    linenum:       46.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    PITCHB
    req_1:         COND IF HV UPDATED 1;
    comment_1:     TO BE RUN AFTER NEW HV UPDATE
    comment_2:     HAS BEEN COMPLETED


    linenum:       47.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    PITCHR
    req_1:         COND IF HV UPDATED 2;
    comment_1:     TO BE RUN AFTER NEW HV UPDATE
    comment_2:     HAS BEEN COMPLETED


    linenum:       48.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    PITCHB
    req_1:         COND IF HV UPDATED 2;
    comment_1:     TO BE RUN AFTER NEW HV UPDATE
    comment_2:     HAS BEEN COMPLETED


    linenum:       49.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    PITCHR
    req_1:         COND IF HV UPDATED 3;
    comment_1:     TO BE RUN AFTER NEW HV UPDATE
    comment_2:     HAS BEEN COMPLETED


    linenum:       50.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    PITCHB
    req_1:         COND IF HV UPDATED 3;
    comment_1:     TO BE RUN AFTER NEW HV UPDATE
    comment_2:     HAS BEEN COMPLETED

! end of exposure logsheet

! No scan data records found