! $Id: 5458,v 27.1 1994/07/27 18:13:32 pepsa Exp $ coverpage: title_1: EVOLUTION OF GALAXIES IN INTERMEDIATE REDSHIFT CLUSTERS : IMAGING title_2: OF ABELL 665 : CYCLE 4 MEDIUM sci_cat: GALAXIES & CLUSTERS sci_subcat: EVOLUTION/COSMOLOGY proposal_for: GO pi_fname: MARIJN pi_lname: FRANX pi_inst: 6830 pi_country: NETHERLANDS pi_phone: (011) 31 50 634067 hours_pri: 6.69 num_pri: 2 wf_pc: Y off_fname: PIET off_lname: VAN DER KRUIT off_title: CHAIRMAN off_inst: 6830 off_addr_1: KAPTEYN ASTRONOMICAL LABORATORY off_addr_2: P. O. BOX 800 off_city: GRONINGEN off_zip: 9700 AV off_country: NETHERLANDS off_phone: (011) 31 50 634053 ! end of coverpage abstract: line_1: One of the more fundamental problems in current astronomy is that of galaxy line_2: evolution. We still do not have good constraints on how galaxy densities, line_3: types, and luminosities evolve with redshift. Most studies until now have used line_4: only photometric and spectrophotometric information to derive 'spectral' line_5: classifications and luminosities. Whereas these methods will remain essential line_6: to understanding evolution, they are insufficient for a unique interpretation line_7: of the data. I have started a ground-based program to measure dynamical line_8: parameters of galaxies in intermediate redshift clusters. I have successfully line_9: measured velocity dispersions, and in some cases, rotational velocities. These line_10: dynamical data are a fundamental step forward towards quantifying the effects line_11: of 'passive evolution', mergers, starburst, etc. The first results on line_12: galaxies in Abell 665 at z=0.18 have demonstrated the value of these data line_13: amply: one of the galaxies is an E+A galaxy, rotates rapidly, and lies far line_14: off the Faber-Jackson relation measured for other cluster galaxies. This line_15: is the first time that such detailed information has become available on such line_16: a galaxy, and it provides insight into the mechanisms which cause the rapid line_17: evolution of galaxies in rich clusters (the Butcher--Oemler effect). Here it line_18: is proposed to obtain 2 color WFPC images of this galaxy, and the other cluster line_19: galaxies. This galaxy is ideally suited because of it brightness, rather low line_20: redshift, and the detailed groundbased data. ! ! end of abstract general_form_proposers: lname: FRANX fname: MARIJN inst: 6830 country: NETHERLANDS esa: Y ! ! end of general_form_proposers block general_form_text: question: 3 section: 1 line_1: I propose to take WFPC2 images of Abell 665, a well studied cluster at a line_2: redshift of 0.18. This cluster is one of the clusters for which the line_3: Sunyaev-Zel'dovitch effect has been established(1), and a good dataset of line_4: spectra and radial velocities are available(2,3). I have already measured line_5: internal velocity dispersions for a sample of galaxies (4). Images will be line_6: taken in two passbands (F606W and F814W). This will provide the detailed line_7: morphological information on the galaxies, and detailed color line_8: information. The E+A galaxy is one of the best studied Butcher Oemler line_9: galaxies, and the color information is going to be particularly interesting. As line_10: an example, we can determine whether the starbust formed only a disk component, line_11: or whether it contributed to both bulge and disk. We can also hope to determine line_12: disk and bulge parameters separately, which will enable us to make an easy line_13: comparison with galaxies in nearby clusters. The hope is to find the class of line_14: galaxies into which these Butcher Oemler galaxies evolved. line_16: Two fields will be studied, both in two colors. These two fields will include line_17: all the galaxies for which kinematic data is available. The integration time line_18: in each passband will be two orbits. Experience with current deep cluster line_19: imaging, and folding in the improved PSF, but lower quantum efficiency, line_20: indicates that such integration times will produce images with the fine detail line_21: necessary for morphological and color studies. line_23: 1 Birkinshaw, Hughes and Arnaud, 1991, Ap. J. in press. ! question: 3 section: 2 line_1: 2 Oegerle, Fitchett, Hill, Hintzen, 1991, preprint. line_2: 3 Birkinshaw, private communication. line_3: 4 Franx, 1993, ApJ L 407, 5. line_5: Postscript: Note that the "blue" filter has been changed from F555W line_6: to F606W. This is done because of the higher throughput of F606W, line_7: which amounts to a factor of 2 more signal. line_9: NOTE: THE PI HAS ALTERNATE SUGGESTIONS FOR TARGET POSITIONS, ORIENT ANGLES, line_10: AND FOR POSSIBLE RELAXATION OF SOME CONSTRAINTS IN THE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS line_11: IF NEEDED FOR SCHEDULING. PLEASE CONTACT THE PI IF THERE ARE PROBLEMS OF THIS line_12: SORT FOR WHICH HE MAY HAVE USEFUL SUGGESTIONS. ! question: 4 section: 1 line_1: The need for HST images is obvious since there is no spherical aberration after line_2: the repair mission. It will provide us with 2D photometry comparable to the line_3: ground-based data that can be achieved on Coma. Thus detailed structural line_4: studies are possible. It is obvious that no such detailed information is line_5: available from the ground (see also Figure 5 line_6: ground based images can be improved by deconvolution, it is impossible to line_7: retrieve the small scale color information that we plan to obtain through the line_8: HST images. Especially for the E+A galaxy, such color information is essential line_9: for a proper understanding of the underlying mechanisms. ! question: 5 section: 1 line_1: THERE IS A BRIGHT STAR QUITE NEAR TO THE OBJECT. PLEASE READ SECTION line_2: 8 WHERE I EXPLAIN MY STRATEGY TO AVOID BLEEDING AND SCATTERED LIGHT. line_5: NOTE: THE PI HAS ALTERNATE SUGGESTIONS FOR TARGET POSITIONS, ORIENT ANGLES, line_6: AND FOR POSSIBLE RELAXATION OF SOME CONSTRAINTS IN THE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS line_7: IF NEEDED FOR SCHEDULING. PLEASE CONTACT THE PI IF THERE ARE PROBLEMS OF THIS line_8: SORT FOR WHICH HE MAY HAVE USEFUL SUGGESTIONS. ! question: 6 section: 1 line_1: ! ! question: 8 section: 1 line_1: There is a bright star quite near to the most interesting object in the line_2: field. To avoid bleeding and/or ghosts, it is important that the star line_3: does NOT get onto the same Chip as the object. The star lies south of line_4: the object. The position that I define in ABELL0665-POS1 is line_5: in between the galaxy and the star. I define as the field of view line_6: PC1-FIX, and then give a POS-TARG = -18.4, -18.4, so that the line_7: apex of the pyramid falls exactly on the position ABELL0665-POS1. line_8: There is a distance of about 16 line_9: arcsec in between the galaxy and the star. I then require that the line_10: position angle of the telescope is such that the object falls on line_11: one of the chips - this gives four positions angles to choose line_12: from, plus some leeway. Note that observations could also be done at line_13: other position angles, but I would have to select a different field line_14: center, to avoid the bright star. PLEASE CONTACT ME DIRECTLY DURING THE line_15: PLANNING OF THE OBSERVATIONS. I CAN AT ANY TIME DEFINE A NEW FIELD line_16: CENTER AT ANY GIVEN POSITION ANGLE OF THE TELESCOPE . FEEL WELCOME line_17: TO CALL ME OUT OF BED (BUT TRY AN EMAIL FIRST: FRANX@ASTRO.RUG.NL). line_18: For field 2 (ABELL0665-POS2) a similar constraint applies. There line_19: are some stars near the edge of the field, which I want to avoid. line_20: The current field center allows 4 position angles. AGAIN, line_21: I CAN ADAPT THE FIELD CENTER TO ACCOMODATE ANY POSITION ANGLE. ! question: 8 section: 2 line_1: There is considerable freedom in changing the exposure times. The main line_2: purpose is to get as high signal to noise as possible (so, the longest line_3: integration time. It helps if each field/passband combination has line_4: two exposures with identical exposure time, and this exposure time line_5: should be above 1600 sec. Feel free to change things to these criteria, line_6: and please contact me to make sure everything is OK. My email is line_7: franx@astro.rug.nl. I am asking for 2 images with identical exposure line_8: time to facilitate removal of cosmic ray events. ! question: 9 section: 1 line_1: line_2: Approved Proposals on which I am PI: line_3: Evolution of Galaxies in Intermediate Redshift Clusters: Imaging of line_4: CL0024+16 line_5: Cycle 2 Archival proposal # 3503. line_7: This archival proposal is related to the current proposal. The data has line_8: just been released. line_10: Co-I on the following proposals: line_12: Ellipticals with Kinematically Distinct Nuclei # 3441 Cycle 2. line_13: First paper is being written. No direct relation to the current proposal. line_15: Nearby Nuclei Snapshot survey # 4664 Cycle 3. line_16: The data is just coming in. ! question: 10 section: 1 line_1: I am a full professor at the University of Groningen, and have full line_2: access to all research facilities, which includes computing, library, line_3: preprint services, etc. Students, travel money, etc. are available. ! !end of general form text general_form_address: lname: FRANX fname: MARIJN category: PI inst: 6830 addr_1: KAPTEYN ASTRONOMICAL LABORATORY addr_2: P. O. BOX 800 city: GRONINGEN zip: 9700 AV country: NETHERLANDS phone: (011) 31 50 634067 telex: FRANX@ASTRO.RUG.NL ! lname: category: CON ! ! end of general_form_address records fixed_targets: targnum: 1 name_1: ABELL0665-POS1 descr_1: F,404 pos_1: RA= 08H26M09.77S +/-0.1S, pos_2: DEC= +66D00'31.2" +/- 0.1" equinox: B1950 comment_1: PLEASE READ SECTION 8 comment_2: ABOUT THE POSITIONING. comment_3: WHEN CENTERED ON THIS POSI- comment_4: TION, BRIGHT STAR IN comment_5: SOUTHERN FIELD, WHICH WILL comment_6: SATURATE CCD fluxnum_1: 1 fluxval_1: SURF-BKG(R) = 19 +/- 1.0 ! targnum: 2 name_1: ABELL0665-POS2 descr_1: F,404 pos_1: RA= 08H26M29.85S +/-0.1S, pos_2: DEC= +66D00'11.1" +/- 0.1" equinox: B1950 comment_1: PLEASE READ SECTION 8 comment_2: ABOUT THE POSITIONING. comment_3: THIS FIELD DOES NOT CONTAIN comment_4: THE BRIGHT STAR. fluxnum_1: 1 fluxval_1: SURF-BKG(R) = 19 +/- 1.0 ! ! end of fixed targets ! No solar system records found ! No generic target records found exposure_logsheet: linenum: 1.000 targname: ABELL0665-POS2 config: WFPC2 opmode: IMAGE aperture: PC1-FIX sp_element: F606W num_exp: 2 time_per_exp: 2200S fluxnum_1: 1 priority: 1 param_1: CR-SPLIT=NO req_1: CYCLE 4 / 1-4; req_2: ORIENT 276D +/- 6D; req_3: POS TARG -18.4, -18.4 comment_1: ORIENTATIONS 96 +-6, 186 +- 6 AND comment_2: 276 +- 6 ALSO ALLOWED. PLEASE READ comment_3: GF QUESTION 8 ABOUT THE ORIENTA- comment_4: TIONS. POS2 OBS TO BE DONE BEFORE comment_5: POS1 OBS. ! linenum: 2.000 targname: ABELL0665-POS2 config: WFPC2 opmode: IMAGE aperture: PC1-FIX sp_element: F814W num_exp: 2 time_per_exp: 2200S fluxnum_1: 1 priority: 1 param_1: CR-SPLIT=NO req_2: SAME POS FOR 2 AS 1; req_4: GROUP 1-2 NO GAP comment_3: ALL OBS OF POS2 SHOULD BE comment_4: REASONABLY CLOSE TO EACH OTHER comment_5: IN TIME, BUT WE MAY RELAX THIS comment_6: CONSTRAINT. CONTACT PI IF NEEDED. ! linenum: 3.000 targname: ABELL0665-POS1 config: WFPC2 opmode: IMAGE aperture: PC1-FIX sp_element: F606W num_exp: 3 time_per_exp: 1700S fluxnum_1: 1 priority: 1 param_1: CR-SPLIT=NO req_1: AFTER 2; req_3: SAME ORIENT FOR 3-4 AS 1; req_4: POS TARG -18.4, -18.4 comment_1: DO NOT USE WFC WITHIN A comment_2: HALF HOUR AFTER LAST EXPOSURE. comment_4: DO AFTER LOG LINE 2. ALL OBS OF POS1 comment_5: SHOULD BE CLOSE TOGETHER IN TIME, BUT comment_6: CONSTRAINT MAY BE RELAXED. CALL PI. ! linenum: 4.000 targname: ABELL0665-POS1 config: WFPC2 opmode: IMAGE aperture: PC1-FIX sp_element: F814W num_exp: 3 time_per_exp: 1600S fluxnum_1: 1 priority: 1 param_1: CR-SPLIT=NO req_3: SAME POS FOR 4 AS 3; req_4: GROUP 3-4 NO GAP comment_3: SAME POSITION AND ORIENT AS comment_4: EXP LOG LINE 3. ! ! end of exposure logsheet ! No scan data records found