! Proposal 5440, submission 3 ! PI: Renee Prange ! Received Wed Jul 3 10:52:07 EDT 1996 ! From: lubenow@stsci.edu !02 Juillet 1996 !16 FEVRIER 1996 ! Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 6 (1996) Phase II Proposal Template ! $Id: 5440,v 21.1 1996/07/16 17:04:44 pepsa Exp $ ! Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 6 (1996) Phase II Proposal Template ! $Id: 5440,v 21.1 1996/07/16 17:04:44 pepsa Exp $ ! ! Refer to the HST Phase II Proposal Instructions to fill this out ! ! Anything after a "!" is ignored, and may be deleted ! ! All keywords with multiple entries are comma delimited except the ! Visit_Requirements and Special_Requirements keywords which can be ! delimited with carriage returns or semi-colons, but not commas ! ! For help call your Program Coordinator: Lubenow ! Phone: 410-338-4928 , E-mail: lubenow@stsci.edu ! ! This partially completed template was generated from a Phase I proposal. ! Name of Phase I Proposal: ID5440 ! Date generated: ! Proposal_Information ! Section 4 Title: SPECTRO IMAGING OF THE JOVIAN AURORA Proposal_Category: GO Scientific_Category: SOLAR SYSTEM Cycle: 4 Investigators PI_name: Renee Prange PI_Institution: Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale CoI_Name: Gilda Ballester CoI_Institution: University of Michigan Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Lotfi BenJaffel CoI_Institution: Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: John Clarke CoI_Institution: University of Michigan Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Vincent Dols CoI_Institution: Institut d'Astrophysique de Liege Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Jean-Claude Gerard CoI_Institution: Institut d'Astrophysique de Liege Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Daniel Rego CoI_Institution: University of Michigan Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) Abstract: ! Free format text (please update) Our primary interest is the spectral profile of the Lyman alpha line at high and low spectral resolution, in several characteristic regions of the north Jovian aurora, together with the H2 Lyman and Werner spectrum important for its interpretation. The Lyman alpha line at high resolution, aimed to diagnose the auroral atmosphere ([H], T profile) and the precipitating particle properties (energy, species, superthermal proton outflows) will be obtained with the GHRS Echelle A, and LSA because of the low sensitivity . The search for extended red shifted Lyman alpha wing , typical of proton precipitation, will be performed at medium (subA) resolution with GHRS/SSA and low resolution with GHRS/LSA. The use of SSA insures the spectral and spatial resolution (arcs may be as narrow as 0.1"), but with a low count-rate. By contrast use of GHRS/LSA will provide a a reasonable count-rate at the expense of resolution. This will provide for free the H2 spectrum required to fully interpret the information in the Lyman alpha data through our models. The features investigated here are signatures of specific auroral processes, and they are not expected to be present in the whole auroral region. Consequently, we will target with particular care a few specific areas: (1) the narrow high latitude arc at longitudes both sides of 150 deg. (~120 and 200 on L~30) (2) the diffuse spot centered on 150-160 deg. In the spot extending north and south of L~30, the processes may be different in the polar and low latitude areas, so that spectra will be performed separately on both regions. Since the spectra must not be contaminated by signatures of different processes acting in nearby areas, and by contrast to any previous observations, PARTICULAR ATTENTION will be paid to the ACCURATE POSITIONING OF THE APERTURE. Although this was of course not in the initial proposal, the scientific return of these observations in terms of precipitating particle processes will be increased by orders of magnitude if they are coupled with our Cycle 6 program 6531, and scheduled while Galileo is taking in-situ particle and field measurements (this also provides just the conditions we had in Cycle 4 concerning the Doppler separation between the Earth geocorona and the Jovian Lyman alpha line which proved to be extremely favorable) Questions ! Free format text (please update) Observing_Description: SectionObservations We will target the CLM range 100-250 (three consecutive HST orbits) where the north aurora is visible from Earth during two consecutive rotations of Jupiter to take a series of Lyman alpha and H2 spectra (LSA) on the same set of four auroral features, and in exactly the same geometric conditions on the planet. A third rotation of Jupiter will be observed during only one or two HST orbits (due to time limitation) with SSA on a particularly bright feature, the narrow high latitude arc near longitude lambda III = 200 degrees. The control of the pointing accuracy and the precise location of the features of interest at the epoch of the observations is essential. The data obtained in Cycle 4 were of extremely good quality, showing for the first time the core reversal of the Lyman alpha profile in a planetary emission, but unexpected errors in the target pointing at some wavelengths, and the distance between the targets and the expected features make it difficult to interpret. Therefore, we will insure a pointing accuracy of about 0.1" by an Onboard acquisition using a Galilean satellite. It may perhaps be possible to perform only 1 such acquisition since the observations would be best scheduled in the week of the stationary point of Jupiter. Control of the precise location of the features (within 0.1-0.2" which is about the size of some of the features) at the time of the observations will be obtained from FOC images (F152M+F175W in the H2 Lyman band) taken one Jovian rotation later across the same CML ranges. We plan to take another set of images before the spectral observations using part of our Cycle 6 program (ID6531) to control of any time variability during the course of the observations. To minimize the risk of missing the narrow arc, the observations using SSA will be done with a fixed line of sight, letting the arc move below the slit, and be scanned "passively" through consecutive exposures, during the whole unocculted part of the orbit. One orbit is dedicated to a geocoronal background exposure with the Echelle-A. Our Cycle 4 data show that the best compromise between Doppler separation and geocoronal brightness is obtained about 2 months after opposition. The analysis of the Cycle 4 data also confirm that the wavelength calibration performed at Lyman alpha was extremely important, and WAVE spectra will again be taken. sectionData Analysis and Team Expertise The PI and most co-Is have a wide scientific experience in the field of planetary atmospheres and magnetospheres, and in data processing. The proposing team has an extensive experience in reducing IUE and HST spectra,` (especially at University of Michigan and IAP) and HST images (especially at IA Liege, IAS and IAP) as shown in the next question. Most coIs have experience with the STScI pipeline and support. Standard programs obtained from the STScI and/or developed at the coIs' institutions involve flat fielding, shifting and coadding the individuals FP-split segment, measuring and substracting the geocoronal background (spectra), retrieving precise pointing with limb fitting procedures, deconvolving aberrated data, rotating features on a planetary disc, etc (images). Once the data are reduced for the various geometrical configurations, they will be compared with models developed at the PI institution, IA Liege and IAP which generate synthetic Lyman alpha+H2 band profiles for different incident particles and energies, and different model atmospheres and which include the effect of radiative transfer. They will also be compared to previous profiles obtained at different locations by J. Clarke and during the Cycle 3 GO program in which several of the present coIs are involved. Finally, when the physical quantities will be derived from the data in the various auroral features investigated, they will be checked against various magnetospheric models to derive better understanding of the Jovian auroral Real_Time_Justification: Calibration_Justification: WAVE calibrations are extremely important since asymmetric core reversals have been observed on the Lyman alpha line in Cycle 4. Careful wavelength calibrations have allowed us to attribute them in some cases to Doppler shifts of less than 10 mA of the line itself. Solar_System_Targets ! Section 5.2 Target_Number: 1 Target_Name: JUPFOC1-S Description: FEATURE JUPITER Level_1: STD = JUPITER ! Satellite of Sun Level_2: TYPE=TORUS, POLE_LAT=90, ! Satellite of Level_1 RAD=67600., LAT=-65,LONG=0 Ephem_Uncert: ! Needed for REQ EPHEM CORR sp req Acq_Uncert: 1" ! Needed for SAVE and USE OFFSET sp reqs Window: CML OF JUPITER FROM EARTH BETWEEN 85 130 ! OLG OF IO-SOUTH-FOOTPRINT BETWEEN 90 260 Flux: SURF(V) = 5.3 SURF-LINE(1216)=2. +/- 0.1 ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: - South auroral region for limb fitting with Target 2 To be taken in the same orbit - LAT AND LONG must be updated when exact CML is known - Footprint of Io should be on dayside !Verify latitude on images Target_Number: 2 Target_Name: JUPFOC1-N Description: FEATURE JUPITER Level_1: STD = JUPITER ! Satellite of Sun Level_2: TYPE=TORUS, POLE_LAT=90, ! Satellite of Level_1 RAD=67750., LAT=+63,LONG=335 ! Satellite of Level_2 Ephem_Uncert: ! Needed for REQ EPHEM CORR sp req Acq_Uncert: 1" ! Needed for SAVE and USE OFFSET sp reqs Window: CML OF JUPITER FROM EARTH BETWEEN 95 140 ! OLG OF IO-NORTH-FOOTPRINT BETWEEN 90 260 Flux: SURF(V) = 5.3 SURF-LINE(1216)=2. +/- 0.1 ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: - Imaging aurora on the East side for target 10 spectra - Pointing better than 0.5 arcsec (by hand-off capability if possible) for entire aurora in the small FOV - LAT-LONG updated when exact CML is known to have aurora in the FOV - LONG 335 340 345 FOR CML 85-90 110-120 130 - Footprint of Io should be on dayside Target_Number: 3 Target_Name: JUPFOC2 Description: FEATURE JUPITER Level_1: STD = JUPITER ! Satellite of Sun Level_2: TYPE=TORUS, POLE_LAT=90, RAD=67900.,LAT=+60,LONG=0 ! Satellite of Level_2 Ephem_Uncert: ! Needed for REQ EPHEM CORR sp req Acq_Uncert: 1" ! Needed for SAVE and USE OFFSET sp reqs Window: CML OF JUPITER FROM EARTH BETWEEN 145 195 ! OLG OF IO-NORTH-FOOTPRINT BETWEEN 90 260 Flux: SURF(V) = 5.3 SURF-LINE(1216)=2. +/- 0.1 ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: - Imaging aurora near CML for targets 11-12 spectra - Pointing better than 1 arcsec (by hand-off if possible) for entire aurora in the small FOV - LAT-LONG must be updated when exact CML is known to have aurora in the FOV - LONG 350 355 360 FOR CML 140-150 160-170 180-190 - Footprint of Io should be on dayside Target_Number: 5 Target_Name: JUPFOC3 Description: FEATURE JUPITER Level_1: STD = JUPITER ! Satellite of Sun Level_2: TYPE=TORUS, POLE_LAT=90, ! Satellite of Level_1 RAD=67900., LAT=+60,LONG=20 Ephem_Uncert: ! Needed for REQ EPHEM CORR sp req Acq_Uncert: 1" ! Needed for SAVE and USE OFFSET sp reqs Window: CML OF JUPITER FROM EARTH BETWEEN 200 250 ! OLG OF IO-NORTH-FOOTPRINT BETWEEN 90 260 Flux: SURF(V) = 5.3 SURF-LINE(1216)=2. +/- 0.1 ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: - Imaging aurora on the West side for targets 13 and 9 spectra - Pointing better than 1 arcsec (guide-star hand-off if possible) for entire aurora in the small FOV - LAT-LONG updated when exact CML is known to have aurora in the FOV - LONG 10 15 20 FOR CML 200-215 210-220 220-230 Target_Number: 8 Target_Name: JUP-LORES2-SPOTSOUTH Description: FEATURE JUPITER Level_1: STD = JUPITER ! Satellite of Sun Level_2: TYPE=TORUS, POLE_LAT=90, ! Satellite of Level_1 RAD=68300., LAT=+55,LONG=340 ! Satellite of Level_2 Ephem_Uncert: ! Needed for REQ EPHEM CORR sp req Acq_Uncert: 0.1" ! Needed for SAVE and USE OFFSET sp reqs Window: CML OF JUPITER FROM EARTH BETWEEN 130 190 Flux: SURF(V) = 5.3 SURF-LINE(1216)=2. +/- 0.1 ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: - GHRS spectra of the 150Deg diffuse torus auroral spot with G140L and small aperture - Features rotating below the slit - All exposures in same orbit - LONG updated when exact CML known: LONG 340 0 20 FOR start CML 130 150 170 (first exposure starts at lambdaIII=150). CML 150 at the beginning of the exposure preferred Target_Number: 9 Target_Name: JUP-LORES3-ARC Description: FEATURE JUPITER Level_1: STD = JUPITER ! Satellite of Sun Level_2: TYPE=TORUS, POLE_LAT=90, ! Satellite of Level_1 RAD=67600., LAT=+65,LONG=25 ! Satellite of Level_2 Ephem_Uncert: ! Needed for REQ EPHEM CORR sp req Acq_Uncert: 0.1" ! Needed for SAVE and USE OFFSET sp reqs Window: CML OF JUPITER FROM EARTH BETWEEN 190 250 Flux: SURF(V) = 5.3 SURF-LINE(1216)=2. +/- 0.1 ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: - GHRS spectra of north aurora on the West side with G140L and small aperture - Features rotating below the slit - All exposures in same orbit - LAT-LONG updated when exact CML known-Mid point LAMBDAIII 200-210 (CML 225 at the beginning is preferred) - If there is no time for Target 8 then window may possibly extend to CML 160-250 Target_Number: 10 Target_Name: JUP-HIRES1-ARC Description: FEATURE JUPITER Level_1: STD = JUPITER ! Satellite of Sun Level_2: TYPE=PCENTRIC, RAD = 67450., ! Satellite of Level_1 LAT=+68, LONG=-135 ! Satellite of Level_2 Ephem_Uncert: ! Needed for REQ EPHEM CORR sp req Acq_Uncert: 0.1" ! Needed for SAVE and USE OFFSET sp reqs Window: CML OF JUPITER FROM EARTH BETWEEN 95 140 Flux: SURF(V) = 5.3 SURF-LINE(1216)=2. +/- 0.1 ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: - GHRS spectra of the north aurora on the East side with ECH-A and large aperture - Following large features - All exposures in same orbit - LAT-LONG must be updated when exact CML is known (CML 100 at the beginning of the first exposure is preferred) - Other possibility LAT 70 LONG -130 RAD 67350 Target_Number: 11 Target_Name: JUP-HIRES2-SPOTNORTH Description: FEATURE JUPITER Level_1: STD = JUPITER ! Satellite of Sun Level_2: TYPE=PCENTRIC, RAD = 67450., ! Satellite of Level_1 LAT=+68, LONG=-158 ! Satellite of Level_2 Ephem_Uncert: ! Needed for REQ EPHEM CORR sp req Acq_Uncert: 0.1" ! Needed for SAVE and USE OFFSET sp reqs Window: CML OF JUPITER FROM EARTH BETWEEN 150 195 Flux: SURF(V) = 5.3 SURF-LINE(1216)=2. +/- 0.1 ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: -GHRS spectra of the north aurora on 150D diffuse polar spot with ECH-A and large aperture - Following large features -All exposures in same orbit -LAT-LONG must be updated when exact CML is known (CML 160 at the beginning of the first exposure is preferred) Target_Number: 12 Target_Name: JUP-HIRES2-SPOTSOUTH Description: FEATURE JUPITER Level_1: STD = JUPITER ! Satellite of Sun Level_2: TYPE=PCENTRIC, RAD = 68300., ! Satellite of Level_1 LAT=+55, LONG=-158 ! Satellite of Level_2 Ephem_Uncert: ! Needed for REQ EPHEM CORR sp req Acq_Uncert: 0.1" ! Needed for SAVE and USE OFFSET sp reqs Window: CML OF JUPITER FROM EARTH BETWEEN 150 195 Flux: SURF(V) = 5.3 SURF-LINE(1216)=2. +/- 0.1 ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: - GHRS spectra of the north aurora on 150D diffuse torus spot with ECH-A and large aperture - Following large features - All exposures in same orbit - LAT-LONG must be updated when exact CML is known (CML 170 at the beginning of the first exposure is preferred) Target_Number: 13 Target_Name: JUP-HIRES3-ARC Description: FEATURE JUPITER Level_1: STD = JUPITER ! Satellite of Sun Level_2: TYPE=PCENTRIC, RAD = 67600., ! Satellite of Level_1 LAT=+65, LONG=-208 ! Satellite of Level_2 Ephem_Uncert: ! Needed for REQ EPHEM CORR sp req Acq_Uncert: 0.1" ! Needed for SAVE and USE OFFSET sp reqs Window: CML OF JUPITER FROM EARTH BETWEEN 210 255 Flux: SURF(V) = 5.3 SURF-LINE(1216)=2. +/- 0.1 ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: - GHRS spectra of the north aurora on the West side with ECH-A and large aperture - Following large features - All exposures in same orbit - LAT-LONG must be updated when exact CML is known (CML 210-220 at the beginning of the first exposure is preferred) Target_Number: 14 Target_Name: JUPITER-OFFSET-SKY Description: OFFSET JUPITER Level_1: STD = JUPITER ! Satellite of Sun Level_2: TYPE=POS_ANGLE, REF=NORTH, ! Satellite of Level_1 ANG = 0, RAD = 60 !ANG can be changed if needed ! Satellite of Level_2 Ephem_Uncert: ! Needed for REQ EPHEM CORR sp req Acq_Uncert: 0.1" ! Needed for SAVE and USE OFFSET sp reqs Window: Flux: SURF(V) = 5.3 SURF-LINE(1216)=2. +/- 0.1 ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: - Observe sky background geocoronal AND IPM Lyman alpha emission near Jupiter -Offset north by 60 arcsec - It could as well be offsetted south if more convenient Target_Number: 19 Target_Name: IO-ACQUISITION Description: SATELLITE IO Level_1: STD = JUPITER ! Satellite of Sun Level_2: STD = IO ! Satellite of Level_2 Ephem_Uncert: ! Needed for REQ EPHEM CORR sp req Acq_Uncert: 0.1" ! Needed for SAVE and USE OFFSET sp reqs Window: SEP OF IO JUPITER FROM EARTH GT 30" Flux: SURF(V) = 5.8 +/- 0.5 SURF-LINE(1216)=1. +/- 0.2 ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: -Io acquisition for an onboard acquisition of Jupiter with 0.1 arcsec accuracy (spectroscopy on specific auroral features ! This is a template for a single visit containing a single exposure ! Repeat exposure and visit blocks as needed Visits ! Section 6 !!!! Visit_Number: 51 Visit_Requirements: BETWEEN 02-sep-96 AND 08-SEP-96 ! Uncomment or copy visit level special requirements needed ! Most of these requirements (including ORIENT) will limit scheduling ! PCS MODE [Fine | Gyro] !GUIDing TOLerance <0.1"> ! DROP TO GYRO IF NECESSARY [NO REACQuisition] ! ORIENTation TO ! ORIENTation TO FROM ! ORIENTation TO FROM NOMINAL ! SAME ORIENTation AS ! CVZ ! PARallel ! SCHEDulability ! AFTER [BY [TO ]] ! AFTER ! BEFORE ! BETWEEN AND ! ***GROUP WITHIN