! $Id: 5301,v 7.1 1994/07/27 16:20:41 pepsa Exp $ COVERPAGE: TITLE_1: STRUCTURE AND POPULATIONS OF GLOBULAR CLUSTERS SCI_CAT: COOL STARS SCI_SUBCAT: OLD CLUSTERS PROPOSAL_FOR: GO PI_FNAME: IVAN PI_MI: R. PI_LNAME: KING PI_INST: UNIV. OF CALIF., BERKELEY PI_COUNTRY: U.S.A. PI_PHONE: 510-642-2206 HOURS_PRI: 22.4 NUM_PRI: 6 FOC: Y OFF_FNAME:LINDA OFF_LNAME:RUTKOWSKI OFF_TITLE:GRANT ADMINISTRATOR OFF_INST: 1500 OFF_ADDR_1:SPONSORED PROJECTS OFFICE OFF_ADDR_2:336 SPROUL HALL OFF_ADDR_3:UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA OFF_CITY:BERKELEY OFF_STATE:CA OFF_ZIP:94720 OFF_COUNTRY:U.S.A. OFF_PHONE:(510)643-6113 ABSTRACT: LINE_1:The globular clusters Omega Centauri and 47 Tucanae will be observed LINE_2:with the "B" and "V" filters of the FOC f/96. An 80-min total in each LINE_3:color will reach well down the main sequence in each cluster, to LINE_4:fainter limiting magnitude than ground-based observations, in central LINE_5:regions that ground-based observations cannot resolve at all. Three LINE_6:FOC fields will be observed in each cluster: at the center, and one and LINE_7:three core radii out. One main objective is to observe the LINE_8:radial distributions of main-sequence stars of different mass, so as LINE_9:to determine the degree of equipartion at the center of each cluster. LINE_10:Along with this goes the luminosity function of the same stars. Another LINE_11:objective is to carry the CMD and luminosity functions as faint as LINE_12:possible. Also, the top of the white-dwarf sequence should be LINE_13:observable. LINE_14: LINE_15:This is a repeat of a program taken with the aberrated HST; it should LINE_16:now be possible, in these crowded regions, to go 3 to 5 magnitudes LINE_17:fainter. GENERAL_FORM_PROPOSERS: LNAME: KING FNAME: IVAN MI: R. INST: 1500 COUNTRY: U.S.A. LNAME: COOL FNAME: ADRIENNE INST: 1500 COUNTRY: U.S.A. GENERAL_FORM_ADDRESS: LNAME: KING FNAME: IVAN MI: R. CATEGORY: PI INST: 1500 ADDR_1: ASTRONOMY DEPARTMENT ADDR_2: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CITY: BERKELEY STATE: CA ZIP: 94720 COUNTRY: U.S.A. PHONE: 510-642-2206 TELEX: king@bkyast.berkeley.edu LNAME: FNAME: MI: CATEGORY: CON INST: ADDR_1: ADDR_2: ADDR_3: CITY: STATE: ZIP: COUNTRY: PHONE: TELEX: GENERAL_FORM_TEXT: QUESTION: 3 SECTION: 1 LINE_1:In each cluster, 3 FOC fields are observed with f/96. Exposure times: LINE_2: LINE_3: (for each of 3 fields) F430W, 80M; F480LP, 80M. LINE_4: LINE_5:Note that for NGC 104 (exp. lines 2-7) all exposures can be taken LINE_6:with a single guide-star acquisition. QUESTION: 4 SECTION: 1 LINE_1:Only HST can penetrate the centers of globular clusters to a faint LINE_2:limiting magnitude. These clusters have already been pushed as far LINE_3:as they can be with the aberrated HST, and it is now time to do them LINE_4:more deeply. QUESTION: 5 SECTION: 1 LINE_1:NGC 104 (exp. lines 2-7) can be taken on a single guide-star acquisition. LINE_2: This is not a scientific requirement but will save spacecraft time. LINE_3:Also, this object is at times in the continuous-viewing zone. QUESTION: 6 SECTION: 1 LINE_1:None QUESTION: 8 SECTION: 1 LINE_1:None. QUESTION: 9 SECTION: 1 LINE_1:Many proposals and publications. QUESTION: 10 SECTION: 1 LINE_1:Several Sun workstations and a Microvax II GPX. Administrative LINE_2:support. FIXED_TARGETS: targnum: 1 name_1: NGC104 name_2: 47 TUC descr_1: C,201 pos_1: RA = 00H 24M 04.95S +/- 0.1S, pos_2: DEC = -72D 04' 51.8" +/-1" equinox: 2000 COMMENT_1:CENTER OF 47 TUC. TARGETS 1-3 CAN COMMENT_2:BE OBSERVED ON A SINGLE GSACQ. COMMENT_3:THESE THREE ARE CVZ TARGETS. targnum: 2 name_1: NGC104-OFF-1 name_2: 47 TUC descr_1: C,201 pos_1: RA = 00H 24M 04.95S +/- 0.1S, pos_2: DEC = -72D 04' 26.8" +/-1" equinox: 2000 COMMENT_1:1 CORE RADIUS N OF CENTER. targnum: 3 name_1: NGC104-OFF-2 name_2: 47 TUC descr_1: C,201 pos_1: RA = 00H 24M 04.95S +/- 0.1S, pos_2: DEC = -72D 03' 36.8" +/-1" equinox: 2000 COMMENT_1:3 CORE RADII N OF CENTER. targnum: 4 name_1: NGC5139 name_2: OMEGA CEN descr_1: C,201 pos_1: RA = 13H 23M 45.8S +/- 0.1S, pos_2: DEC = -47D 13' 03" +/- 1" equinox: 1950 targnum: 5 name_1: NGC5139-OFF-1 name_2: OMEGA CEN descr_1: C,201 pos_1: RA = 13H 23M 45.8S +/- 0.1S, pos_2: DEC = -47D 15' 38" +/- 1" equinox: 1950 COMMENT_1:1 CORE RADIUS S OF CENTER. targnum: 6 name_1: NGC5139-OFF-2 name_2: OMEGA CEN descr_1: C,201 pos_1: RA = 13H 23M 45.8S +/- 0.1S, pos_2: DEC = -47D 20' 48" +/- 1" equinox: 1950 COMMENT_1:3 CORE RADII S OF CENTER. targnum: 7 name_1: NGC7078 name_2: M15 descr_1: C,201 pos_1: RA = 21H 29M 58.44S +/- 0.05S, pos_2: DEC = +12D 10' 00.6" +/- 0.5" equinox: 2000 COMMENT_1:CENTER OF M15. A NEIGHBORING FIELD COMMENT_2:IS TAKEN WITH A POS TARG. BOTH CAN COMMENT_3:BE OBSERVED ON A SINGLE GSACQ. targnum: 8 name_1: NGC7078-OFF name_2: M15 descr_1: C,201 pos_1: RA = 21H 29M 58.44S +/- 0.05S, pos_2: DEC = +12D 10' 20.6" +/- 0.5" equinox: 2000 COMMENT_1:20" N OF CENTER OF M15. THIS COMMENT_2:TARGET CAN ALSO BE OBSERVED ON COMMENT_3:SAME GSACQ AS TARGET 7. EXPOSURE_LOGSHEET: linenum: 1.000 sequence_1: DEFINE sequence_2: OMEG1 targname: # config: FOC/96 opmode: IMAGE aperture: 512X512 sp_element: # num_exp: 2 time_per_exp: 1450S priority: # linenum: 1.100 sequence_1: DEFINE sequence_2: OMEG2 targname: # config: FOC/96 opmode: IMAGE aperture: 512X512 sp_element: # num_exp: 2 time_per_exp: 1699S priority: # linenum: 1.200 sequence_1: DEFINE sequence_2: OMEG2A targname: # config: FOC/96 opmode: IMAGE aperture: 512X512 sp_element: # num_exp: 1 time_per_exp: 1609S priority: # linenum: 1.500 sequence_1: DEFINE sequence_2: TUC1 targname: # config: FOC/96 opmode: IMAGE aperture: 512X512 sp_element: # num_exp: 2 time_per_exp: 1960S priority: # linenum: 1.600 sequence_1: DEFINE sequence_2: TUC2 targname: # config: FOC/96 opmode: IMAGE aperture: 512X512 sp_element: # num_exp: 2 time_per_exp: 2209S priority: # linenum: 1.650 sequence_1: DEFINE sequence_2: TUC3 targname: # config: FOC/96 opmode: IMAGE aperture: 512X512 sp_element: # num_exp: 2 time_per_exp: 2127S priority: # linenum: 1.700 sequence_1: DEFINE sequence_2: M15A targname: # config: FOC/96 opmode: IMAGE aperture: 512X512 sp_element: # num_exp: 1 time_per_exp: 1931S priority: # linenum: 1.800 sequence_1: DEFINE sequence_2: M15B targname: # config: FOC/96 opmode: IMAGE aperture: 512X512 sp_element: # num_exp: 1 time_per_exp: 2429S priority: # linenum: 1.900 sequence_1: DEFINE sequence_2: M15C targname: # config: FOC/96 opmode: IMAGE aperture: 512X512 sp_element: # num_exp: 1 time_per_exp: 2265S priority: # linenum: 2.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: TUC1 targname: NGC104-OFF-2 sp_element: F430W priority: 1 req_1: SEQ 2-3 NO GAP; req_2: CYCLE 4 /2-19 COMMENT_1:LINES 2-7 CAN BE TAKEN ON A SINGLE COMMENT_2:GSACQ. linenum: 3.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: TUC2 targname: NGC104-OFF-2 sp_element: F480LP priority: 1 req_1: SAME ORIENT FOR 3 AS 2; req_2: SAME POS FOR 3 AS 2 linenum: 4.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: TUC3 targname: NGC104 sp_element: F480LP priority: 1 req_1: SEQ 4-5 NO GAP linenum: 5.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: TUC2 targname: NGC104 sp_element: F430W priority: 1 req_1: SAME ORIENT FOR 5 AS 4; req_2: SAME POS FOR 5 AS 4 linenum: 6.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: TUC3 targname: NGC104-OFF-1 sp_element: F430W priority: 1 req_1: SEQ 6-7 NO GAP linenum: 7.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: TUC2 targname: NGC104-OFF-1 sp_element: F480LP priority: 1 req_1: SAME ORIENT FOR 7 AS 6; req_2: SAME POS FOR 7 AS 6 linenum: 8.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: OMEG1 targname: NGC5139 sp_element: F430W priority: 1 req_1: SEQ 8,9 NO GAP linenum: 9.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: OMEG2 targname: NGC5139 sp_element: F480LP priority: 1 req_1: SAME ORIENT FOR 9 AS 8; req_2: SAME POS FOR 9 AS 8 linenum: 9.500 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: OMEG2A targname: NGC5139 sp_element: F480LP priority: 1 req_1: SAME ORIENT FOR 9.5 AS 8; req_2: SAME POS FOR 9.5 AS 8 COMMENT_1:LINES 9.5,9.6 PUT TOTAL SLIGHTLY OVER COMMENT_2:ALLOCATION. SHORTEN EXP-TIME IF YOU COMMENT_3:MUST; IF SO, SHORTEN 9.5 AND 9.6 BY COMMENT_4:SAME AMOUNT. linenum: 9.600 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: OMEG2A targname: NGC5139 sp_element: F430W priority: 1 req_1: SAME ORIENT FOR 9.6 AS 8; req_2: SAME POS FOR 9.6 AS 8 linenum: 10.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: OMEG1 targname: NGC5139-OFF-1 sp_element: F430W priority: 1 req_1: SEQ 10,11 NO GAP linenum: 11.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: OMEG2 targname: NGC5139-OFF-1 sp_element: F480LP priority: 1 req_1: SAME ORIENT FOR 11 AS 10; req_2: SAME POS FOR 11 AS 10 linenum: 12.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: OMEG1 targname: NGC5139-OFF-2 sp_element: F430W priority: 1 req_1: SEQ 12,13 NO GAP linenum: 13.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: OMEG2 targname: NGC5139-OFF-2 sp_element: F480LP priority: 1 req_1: SAME ORIENT FOR 13 AS 12; req_2: SAME POS FOR 13 AS 12 linenum: 14.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: M15A targname: NGC7078 sp_element: F430W priority: 1 req_1: SEQ 14,15 NO GAP COMMENT_1:LINES 14-19 CAN BE TAKEN ON A SINGLE COMMENT_2:GSACQ. linenum: 15.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: M15B targname: NGC7078 sp_element: F480LP priority: 1 req_1: SAME ORIENT FOR 15 AS 14; req_2: SAME POS FOR 15 AS 14 linenum: 16.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: M15C targname: NGC7078 sp_element: F430W priority: 1 req_1: SEQ 16,17 NO GAP; req_2: POS TARG 0.0,6.0; SAME ORIENT req_3: FOR 16 AS 14 linenum: 17.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: M15B targname: NGC7078 sp_element: F480LP priority: 1 req_1: SAME ORIENT FOR 17 AS 16; req_2: SAME POS FOR 17 AS 16 linenum: 18.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: M15C targname: NGC7078-OFF sp_element: F430W priority: 1 req_1: SEQ 18,19 NO GAP; linenum: 19.000 sequence_1: USE sequence_2: M15B targname: NGC7078-OFF sp_element: F480LP priority: 1 req_1: SAME ORIENT FOR 19 AS 18; req_2: SAME POS FOR 19 AS 18 !~~~RPSS~~~,KING,5301n.prop, 4-MAR-1994 21:57