!   $Id: 5275,v 4.1 1994/07/27 16:16:04 pepsa Exp $


    sci_cat:       CALIBRATION
    proposal_for:  CAL/HRS
    cont_id:       2852
    pi_fname:      JOE
    pi_lname:      SKAPIK
    pi_inst:       STSCI
    pi_country:    USA
    pi_phone:      301-338-4948
    hours_par:     6.50
    hrs:           Y
    pi_position:   SI ENGINEER
! end of coverpage


    line_1:        This test will determine the optimal, non-standard discriminator thresholds
    line_2:        for the few anomalous channels on HRS detector 1. A 15 second flat field
    line_3:        observation followed by a 210 second dark count is performed at each of 10
    line_4:        discriminator threshold values for each detector. The result of the test
    line_5:        will be the optimal threshold values to be entered into the PDB.
    line_10:       Edited 4/30/91 to add comments to disable/re-enable cross-talk tables.

! end of abstract


  lname:           SKAPIK
    fname:         JOE
    inst:          STSCI
    country:       USA


  lname:           HULBERT
    fname:         STEVE
    inst:          STSCI
    country:       USA


  lname:           SHERBERT
    fname:         LISA
    mi:            E.
    inst:          STSCI
    country:       USA

! end of general_form_proposers block


  question:        2
    section:       1
    line_1:        GHRS  Objectives:
    line_2:        1. Determine the optimal discriminator thresholds for all non-standard
    line_3:        detector channels.
    line_5:        Discriminator thresholds are derived from PHA data. The
    line_6:        standard algorithm sets the threshold at 50% of the energy of the
    line_7:        peak of the photoelectron pulse height distribution. On each
    line_8:        detector there are a few special and/or slightly noisy channels
    line_9:        which require non-standard threshold values. This test calibrates
    line_10:       the thresholds for those channels to allow for the maximum number
    line_11:       of diodes to be available.


  question:        3
    section:       1
    line_1:        The HRS is configured for high voltage operation on and the most
    line_2:        recent, default thresholds are loaded and verified. Next, a 10 second
    line_3:        flat field followed by a 210 second dark count are taken to verify default
    line_4:        threshold performance. A series of 10 sets of flat field and dark count
    line_5:        data are then acquired for thresholds of 35 through 80 by increments of
    line_6:        5. The PHA processor is used to load each set of thresholds. Finally,
    line_7:        the side 1 default thresholds are reloaded.
    line_9:        This is an internal test, and requires no special pointing of the
    line_10:       telescope.


  question:        5
    section:       1
    line_1:        Execute within two weeks of 5274. This program may
    line_2:        be executed PRIOR to the COSTAR/GHRS deployment.


  question:        7
    section:       1
    line_1:        Count rates during the dark and flat field exposures will be measured as
    line_2:        functions of threshold level. Thresholds for the special channels will be
    line_3:        derived which bring their response as close as possible to the mean of
    line_4:        other channels.
    line_6:        Unuseable channels will be entered in the flight software bad diode table
    line_7:        and/or the cross-talk table. Noisy and anomalous channels will be
    line_8:        identified in the data reduction software.
    line_9:        The threshold load PLCP groups in the PDB will be updated with the results.


  question:        8
    section:       1
    line_1:        This is an internal test and does not require any special pointing of the
    line_2:        telescope.
    line_4:        No target list is required.

!end of general form text


  lname:           SKAPIK
    fname:         JOE
    category:      PI
    inst:          STSCI
    addr_1:        3700 SAN MARTIN DRIVE
    city:          BALTIMORE
    state:         MD
    zip:           21218
    country:       USA
    phone:         301-338-4948

! end of general_form_address records

! No fixed target records found

! No solar system records found

! No generic target records found


    linenum:       1.000
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    THRSHSET
    targname:      INTFLAT
    config:        HRS
    opmode:        PULSE-HEIGHT
    aperture:      NONE
    sp_element:    #
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  5S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       #
    req_1:         SEQ 1-3 NO GAP
    comment_2:     THRESHOLDS


    linenum:       2.000
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    THRSHSET
    targname:      INTFLAT
    config:        HRS
    opmode:        PHOTOSCAN
    aperture:      NONE
    sp_element:    #
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  10S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       TYPE=SHORT-Y,
    param_2:       SPACING=16,
    param_3:       X=2048,Y=2048


    linenum:       3.000
    sequence_1:    DEFINE
    sequence_2:    THRSHSET
    targname:      DARK
    config:        HRS
    opmode:        PHOTOSCAN
    aperture:      NONE
    sp_element:    #
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  210S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       TYPE=SHORT-Y,
    param_2:       SPACING=0,
    param_3:       X=2048,
    param_4:       Y=2048,


    linenum:       20.000
    targname:      DARK
    config:        HRS
    opmode:        THRESHOLD
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  14M
    priority:      1
    param_1:       FUNCTION=BOTH,
    param_2:       HIGH-VOLTAGE=ON
    req_1:         GROUP 20.0-35.0 WITHIN 6H;
    req_2:         CYCLE 4/20-35;
    comment_1:     DISABLE CROSS-TALK TABLE


    linenum:       21.000
    targname:      INTFLAT
    config:        HRS
    opmode:        PHOTOSCAN
    aperture:      NONE
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  10S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       TYPE=SHORT-Y,
    param_2:       SPACING=16,
    param_3:       X=2048,Y=2048


    linenum:       22.000
    targname:      DARK
    config:        HRS
    opmode:        PHOTOSCAN
    aperture:      NONE
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  210S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       TYPE=SHORT-Y,
    param_2:       SPACING=0,
    param_3:       X=2048,
    param_4:       Y=2048,


    linenum:       23.000
    targname:      INTFLAT
    config:        HRS
    opmode:        PULSE-HEIGHT
    aperture:      NONE
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  5S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       BEGIN=35,
    param_2:       END=35,
    param_3:       STEP=1
    comment_2:     THRESHOLDS


    linenum:       24.000
    targname:      INTFLAT
    config:        HRS
    opmode:        PHOTOSCAN
    aperture:      NONE
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  35S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       TYPE=SHORT-Y,
    param_2:       SPACING=16,
    param_3:       X=2048,Y=2048


    linenum:       25.000
    targname:      DARK
    config:        HRS
    opmode:        PHOTOSCAN
    aperture:      NONE
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  210S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       TYPE=SHORT-Y,
    param_2:       SPACING=0,
    param_3:       X=2048,
    param_4:       Y=2048,


    linenum:       26.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    THRSHSET
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    param_1:       BEGIN=40,
    param_2:       END=40,
    param_3:       STEP=1


    linenum:       27.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    THRSHSET
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    param_1:       BEGIN=45,
    param_2:       END=45,
    param_3:       STEP=1


    linenum:       28.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    THRSHSET
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    param_1:       BEGIN=50,
    param_2:       END=50,
    param_3:       STEP=1


    linenum:       29.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    THRSHSET
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    param_1:       BEGIN=55,
    param_2:       END=55,
    param_3:       STEP=1


    linenum:       30.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    THRSHSET
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    param_1:       BEGIN=60,
    param_2:       END=60,
    param_3:       STEP=1


    linenum:       31.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    THRSHSET
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    param_1:       BEGIN=65,
    param_2:       END=65,
    param_3:       STEP=1


    linenum:       32.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    THRSHSET
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    param_1:       BEGIN=70,
    param_2:       END=70,
    param_3:       STEP=1


    linenum:       33.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    THRSHSET
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    param_1:       BEGIN=75,
    param_2:       END=75,
    param_3:       STEP=1


    linenum:       34.000
    sequence_1:    USE
    sequence_2:    THRSHSET
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    param_1:       BEGIN=80,
    param_2:       END=80,
    param_3:       STEP=1


    linenum:       35.000
    targname:      DARK
    config:        HRS
    opmode:        THRESHOLD
    sp_element:    SAFE1
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  14M
    priority:      1
    param_1:       FUNCTION=BOTH,
    param_2:       HIGH-VOLTAGE=ON
    comment_1:     RE-ENABLE CROSS-TALK TABLE

! end of exposure logsheet

! No scan data records found