!  File:  3994C.PROP
!  Database:  PEPDB
!  Date:  20-FEB-1994:03:05:04


  title_1:         JUPITER - UV CAMPAIGN / WFPC
    sci_cat:       SOLAR SYSTEM
    proposal_for:  GTO/WFC
    cont_id:       1126
    pi_title:      PROF.
    pi_fname:      JAMES
    pi_mi:         A.
    pi_lname:      WESTPHAL
    pi_inst:       CALTECH
    pi_country:    USA
    pi_phone:      (818) 356-4900
    hours_pri:     2.61
    num_pri:       1
    pi_position:   PROFESSOR OF PLANETA
! end of coverpage


    line_1:        This program will obtain two four-color complete 360 degree maps with the WF/PC
    line_2:        to measure the Jovian atmospheric motion. The first set will be obtained
    line_3:        within a ten-hour period to allow for adequate overlap between the longitudinal
    line_4:        strips. Then twenty hours later a second map set will be obtained to complete
    line_5:        the dynamical set. Since Jupiter rotates approximately fifty degrees per HST
    line_6:        orbit, these dynamical sets should be obtained for eight sequential orbits. UV
    line_7:        imaging at the high spatial resolution of HST provides an excellent method of
    line_8:        studying the upwelling processes, especially in the time domain.

! end of abstract


  lname:           WESTPHAL
    fname:         JAMES
    mi:            A.
    inst:          CALTECH
    country:       USA

! end of general_form_proposers block


  question:        2
    section:       1
    line_1:        The dynamics of the Jovian atmosphere will yield new scientific insight into
    line_2:        two main areas: 1) the energy balance in the convective envelope and
    line_3:        atmosphere, and 2) the mechanism for maintaining large scale systems in the
    line_4:        atmosphere. The Voyager spacecraft obtained high resolution views of this
    line_5:        turbulent atmosphere. The dynamical set obtained with the WF/PC will allow a
    line_6:        direct comparison of the wind fields and evolutionary properties of cloud
    line_7:        systems with the Voyager data sets obtained 6 months apart in 1979. The
    line_8:        observing sequence will consist of a four-color longitude map obtained within a
    line_9:        ten-hour period. Then twenty hours later a second map set should be obtained
    line_10:       to complete the dynamical set. Since Jupiter rotates approximately 50 degrees
    line_11:       per HST orbit, this dynamical set should be obtained for seven sequential
    line_12:       orbits. This will provide a multicolor map with complete longitude coverage.
    line_13:       The filters have been chosen to optimize the contrast of the atmospheric
    line_14:       features from ground-based and Voyager data analysis (F336M, F439M, F718M, and
    line_15:       F889N). The two full rotation data sets would contain image pairs separated in
    line_16:       time by 30 hours with similar central meridians. Hence, velocity errors and
    line_17:       limb-darkening and various foreshortening effects will be minimized.
    line_19:       The exploration in the near- and vacuum-UV will produce new data at a spatial
    line_20:       resolution never obtained in this spectral region. From the preliminary
    line_21:       information gathered by the instruments on the Pioneer and Voyager spacecrafts,
    line_22:       it appears that the Jovian atmosphere is strongly convective in localized
    line_23:       regions. At least one well known atmospheric constituent, ammonia, condenses


  question:        2
    section:       2
    line_1:        during the upwelling process, as evident in the Jovian images that show white
    line_2:        reflective regions near shear zone edges in the south tropical zones and in the
    line_3:        white ovals. Limited spectral data from IUE show some evidence for gaseous
    line_4:        absorption by ammonia, indicating that the gas must be out of local
    line_5:        thermodynamic equilibrium, probably as a result of the rapid upwelling process.
    line_6:        Moderate bandwidth UV imaging at high spatial resolution of HST covering the
    line_7:        regions of known absorption bands and nearby continuum (170 - 210 nm) provides
    line_8:        an excellent method of studying the upwelling processes, especially in the time
    line_9:        domain.


  question:        3
    section:       1
    line_1:        Since Jupiter rotates approximaely 50 degrees per HST orbit, this dynamical set
    line_2:        should be obtained for seven sequential orbits. This will provide a multicolor
    line_3:        map with complete longitude coverage. The filters have been chosen to optimize
    line_4:        the contrast of the atmospheric features from ground-based and Voyager data
    line_5:        sets would contain image pairs separated in time by 30 hours with similar
    line_6:        central meridians. Hence, velocity errors and limb-darkening and various
    line_7:        foreshortening effects will be minimized.
    line_9:        Complete sets to be obtained in Cycles 1 and 2.
    line_11:       comment continuation from CP11: sequential orbits required, planetary tracking
    line_12:       required.


  question:        5
    section:       1
    line_1:        One special scheduling requirement:  these observations must
    line_2:        be taken within 2 weeks after the WF/PC decontamination,
    line_3:        scheduled for late January or early February 1992, in order
    line_4:        to get reasonable amounts of UV flux in the observations.


  question:        13
    section:       1
    line_1:        Imaging observations of the Jovian atmosphere in four filters (F336M, F439M,
    line_2:        F718M, and F889N) will yield new scientific insight into two main areas: 1)
    line_3:        the energy balance in the convective envelope and atmosphere, and 2) the
    line_4:        mechanism for maintaining large scale systems in the atmosphere. This will
    line_5:        provide a multicolor map with complete longitude coverage. The filters have
    line_6:        been chosen to optimize the contrast of the atmospheric features from
    line_7:        ground-based and Voyager data analysis.

!end of general form text


  lname:           WESTPHAL
    fname:         JAMES
    mi:            A.
    title:         PROF.
    category:      PI
    inst:          CALTECH
    addr_1:        M/S 170-25
    addr_2:        DIVISION OF GEOLOGICAL
    addr_3:        & PLANETARY SCIENCES
    city:          PASADENA
    state:         CA
    zip:           91125
    country:       USA
    phone:         (818) 356-4900


  lname:           FABER
    fname:         SANDRA
    mi:            M.
    category:      CON
    addr_1:        NATURAL SCIENCE II, BLDG. 160
    city:          SANTA CRUZ
    state:         CA
    zip:           95064
    country:       USA


  lname:           DANIELSON
    fname:         G. EDWARD
    category:      CON
    inst:          CALTECH
    addr_1:        M/S 170-25
    city:          PASADENA
    state:         CA
    zip:           91125
    country:       USA
    phone:         (818) 356-4900

! end of general_form_address records

! No fixed target records found


  targnum:         1
    name_1:        JUPITER
    descr_1:       PLANET JUPITER
    lev1_1:        STD=JUPITER

! end of solar system targets

! No generic target records found


    linenum:       1.000
    targname:      JUPITER
    config:        PC
    opmode:        IMAGE
    aperture:      ALL
    sp_element:    F547M
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  0.2S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       PRE-FLASH=NO,CR-SPLIT=NO
    req_1:         GUID TOL 0.030" / 1-3;
    req_2:         GROUP 1-3 NO GAP;
    req_3:         POS TARG 0,0 / 1-3;
    req_4:         CYCLE 1 / 1-3;
    comment_1:     UV CAMPAIGN PROPOSAL
    comment_2:     11/16/91  JAW/RML


    linenum:       2.000
    targname:      JUPITER
    config:        PC
    opmode:        IMAGE
    aperture:      ALL
    sp_element:    F194W
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  200S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       PRE-FLASH=NO,CR-SPLIT=NO


    linenum:       3.000
    targname:      JUPITER
    config:        PC
    opmode:        IMAGE
    aperture:      ALL
    sp_element:    F230W
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  200S
    priority:      1
    param_1:       PRE-FLASH=NO,CR-SPLIT=NO
    comment_2:     SMEAR.

! end of exposure logsheet

! No scan data records found