!   $Id: 31,v 4.1 1994/07/26 20:57:28 pepsa Exp $


    sci_cat:       QUASARS & AGN
    sci_subcat:    QUASAR EMISSION
    proposal_for:  GO
    pi_title:      DR.
    pi_fname:      JOE
    pi_lname:      ASTRONOMER
    pi_inst:       STSCI
    pi_country:    USA
    pi_phone:      (301) 338-4700
    keywords_1:    UV SPECTROSCOPY, QUASAR,
    hours_pri:     1.71
    num_pri:       1
    fos:           Y
! end of coverpage


    line_1:        We will use the FOS to measure the strength of the He I
    line_2:        lambda 584 line in the UV in a QSO which has a good
    line_3:        probability of having light at that wavelength. We will test
    line_4:        the ability of the FOS to detect weak emission lines against
    line_5:        a background of weak absorption lines in a faint object with
    line_6:        the degraded performance due to the slit losses, decreased
    line_7:        resolution, possible increased scattered light and greater
    line_8:        than expected particle-induced background.  From this line
    line_9:        we will determine the relative abundance of Helium in the
    line_10:       early universe.

! end of abstract


  lname:           ASTRONOMER
    fname:         JOE
    title:         DR.
    country:       USA

! end of general_form_proposers block


  question:        3
    section:       1
    line_1:        This proposal contains 1 object which will be observed with
    line_2:        G160L and the red detector of the FOS. S/N will be 20 per
    line_3:        diode allowing us to detect a weak emission line.
    line_4:        A very short exposure will be used to measure the absolute
    line_5:        flux.


  question:        4
    section:       1
    line_1:        Justification for use of HST goes here (optional).


  question:        6
    section:       1
    line_1:        Justification for any special calibrations, use of dark
    line_2:        time, or uninterupted exposures goes here.


  question:        7
    section:       1
    line_1:        A description of your data reduction plans go here.


  question:        8
    section:       1
    line_1:        Any additional comments go here.


  question:        9
    section:       1
    line_1:        A description of any previous HST data goes here.


  question:        10
    section:       1
    line_1:        Resources provided by your home institution goes here.

!end of general form text


  lname:           ASTRONOMER
    fname:         JOE
    title:         DR.
    category:      PI
    inst:          STSCI
    addr_1:        3700 SAN MARTIN DRIVE
    city:          BALTIMORE
    state:         MD
    zip:           21218
    country:       USA
    phone:         (301) 338-4700

! end of general_form_address records


    targnum:       1
    name_1:        UM675
    name_2:        0150-202
    descr_1:       QUASAR
    pos_1:         PLATE-ID = 05XZ,
    pos_2:         RA = 01H 52M 27.291S +/- 1.0",
    pos_3:         DEC = -20D 01' 07.29" +/- 1.0"
    equinox:       2000
    pm_or_par:     NO
    rv_or_z:       Z=2.15
    fluxnum_1:     1
    fluxval_1:     V=17.1 +/- 0.5

! end of fixed targets

! No solar system records found

! No generic target records found


    linenum:       1.000
    targname:      UM675
    config:        FOS/RD
    opmode:        ACQ/BINARY
    aperture:      4.3
    sp_element:    MIRROR
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  22S
    fluxnum_1:     1
    priority:      1
    param_1:       BRIGHT = 700000
    req_1:         ONBOARD ACQ FOR 2-4;
    req_3:         CYCLE 0 / 1-4


    linenum:       2.000
    targname:      UM675
    config:        FOS/RD
    opmode:        ACQ
    aperture:      4.3
    sp_element:    MIRROR
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  22S
    fluxnum_1:     1
    priority:      1


    linenum:       3.000
    targname:      UM675
    config:        FOS/RD
    opmode:        ACCUM
    aperture:      4.3
    sp_element:    G160L
    wavelength:    1600
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  100S
    s_to_n:        4
    fluxnum_1:     1
    priority:      1


    linenum:       4.000
    targname:      UM675
    config:        FOS/RD
    opmode:        ACCUM
    aperture:      1.0
    sp_element:    G160L
    wavelength:    1600
    num_exp:       1
    time_per_exp:  6000S
    s_to_n:        20
    fluxnum_1:     1
    priority:      1

! end of exposure logsheet

! No scan data records found