! File: 1101C.PROP ! Database: PEPDB ! Date: 16-FEB-1994:01:46:41 coverpage: title_1: OPTICAL AND ULTRAVIOLET OBSERVATIONS OF RADIO PULSARS sci_cat: STELLAR ASTROPHYSICS proposal_for: GTO/HSP pi_fname: ROBERT pi_mi: C. pi_lname: BLESS pi_inst: WISCONSIN, UNIVERSITY OF pi_country: USA pi_phone: 608-262-1715 keywords_1: PULSARS, NEUTRON STARS, SUPERNOVAE hours_pri: 1.00 num_pri: 7 ! end of coverpage abstract: line_1: In spite of extensive efforts only two definite line_2: (Crab and Vela) and one probable (in SNR 0540-693) line_3: radio pulsars have been detected at optical line_4: wavelengths. Most efforts at modeling the optical line_5: emission mechanism are constrained only by the Crab line_6: Pulsar observations. To provide better model line_7: constraints, visual and ultraviolet observations of line_8: the Crab, Vela, and LMC pulsars will be obtained line_9: (see HSP 1101). The HSP recently acquired high time line_10: resolution data of the Crab pulsar in the visual. line_11: Before choosing the central wavelength and width of line_12: several ultraviolet filters, an exploratory line_13: observation of the Crab in a broad-band UV filter is line_14: necessary. ! ! end of abstract general_form_proposers: lname: VAN CITTERS fname: G. mi: W. inst: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION country: USA ! lname: BLESS fname: ROBERT mi: C. inst: WISCONSIN, UNIVERSITY OF country: USA ! lname: DOLAN fname: JOSEPH mi: F. inst: NASA, GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER country: USA ! lname: ELLIOT fname: JAMES mi: L. inst: MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY country: USA ! lname: ROBINSON fname: EDWARD mi: L. inst: TEXAS, UNIVERSITY OF country: USA ! ! end of general_form_proposers block general_form_text: question: 3 section: 1 line_1: Crab Pulsar - Observe through a UV filter for the line_2: maximum time possible in one orbit. Total time: 20 line_3: minutes for the Mode II acquisition in one orbit, line_4: and about 40 minutes of high speed photometry in the line_5: next. Total: 1.0 hours (2 orbits). ! question: 4 section: 1 line_1: The Space Telescope, besides the obvious access to line_2: the UV, provides an opportunity to examine pulse line_3: shape and phase as a function of frequency with lower line_4: sky background levels, better discrimination against line_5: nebular contamination and lack of scintillation noise. line_6: Significant improvement over ground-based data is line_7: expected. ! question: 6 section: 1 line_1: Relating Space Telescope observations of pulsars to line_2: previous ground-based data will, in some cases, line_3: require calibration of the Space Telescope clock to line_4: +/- 10 msec to enable phase comparisons. This can be line_5: done after the observations. ! question: 13 section: 1 line_1: To assist in selecting filters, bandwidths, and line_2: exposure times for HSP 1101, high speed UV line_3: photometry of the Crab will be obtained. ! !end of general form text general_form_address: lname: BLESS fname: ROBERT mi: C. category: PI inst: UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN addr_1: WASHBURN OBSERVATORY addr_2: 475 N. CHARTER STREET city: MADISON state: WI zip: 53706 country: USA phone: 608-262-1715 telex: 265452-UOFWISC-MDS ! lname: VAN CITTERS fname: G. mi: W. category: CON inst: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION addr_1: DIV. OF ASTRONOMICAL SCI. addr_2: 1800 G STREET, N.W. city: WASHINGTON state: DC zip: 20550 country: USA phone: 202-357-9793 telex: 982-438 ! ! end of general_form_address records fixed_targets: targnum: 1 name_1: PSR0531+21 name_2: CRAB PULSAR descr_1: PULSAR pos_1: RA = 05H 34M 31.94S +/- 1", pos_2: DEC = +22D 00' 52.15" +/- 1" equinox: 2000 pm_or_par: N comment_1: POSREF = PROPOSAL 1383. fluxnum_1: 1 fluxval_1: V=16 ! ! end of fixed targets ! No solar system records found ! No generic target records found exposure_logsheet: linenum: 1.000 targname: PSR0531+21 config: HSP/UV2 opmode: ACQ num_exp: 1 time_per_exp: 10M fluxnum_1: 1 priority: 1 req_1: CYCLE 0 / 1-2; req_2: ONBOARD ACQ FOR 2; ! linenum: 2.000 targname: PSR0531+21 config: HSP/UV2 opmode: SINGLE aperture: 1.0 sp_element: F160LP num_exp: 1 time_per_exp: 28M s_to_n: 400 fluxnum_1: 1 priority: 1 param_1: SAMPLE-TIME=0.0000108, param_2: DATA-FORMAT=BYTE, param_3: PRECISION=HIGH, comment_1: USE 1 MEGABIT DOWNLINK. comment_2: ADJUST EXPOSURE TO FIT ORBIT. ! ! end of exposure logsheet ! No scan data records found