#!/opt/gnu/bin/perl require "cgi-lib.pl"; use File::Basename; MAIN: { print &PrintHeader; &ReadParse(*input); $pragma = $ENV{'HTTP_PRAGMA'}; $ref = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}; $abspair=$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; ($key, $absname) = split (/=/, $abspair); $key =~ tr/+/ /; $absname =~ tr/+/ /; $absbname=basename($absname, "_a.txt"); print " \n \n \n
POA: $key - $absbname<\/font> \n <\/td> \n ST-ECF<\/em> \n <\/font> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n <\/table> \n \n "; if ($key eq "Abstract") { print " <\/table> \n
\n POA<\/a> | ESA<\/a> | NASA<\/a> \n | ST-ECF Archive<\/a> | ESO<\/a> \n | ST-ECF<\/a> | STScI<\/a> | Search \n <\/center> \n
\n \n
Note: Much of the abstract material in this site has been obtained via unsupervised scanning and OCR. It is made available in order to assist in quickly ascertaining whether or not to download the full PDF (or in some cases postscript) file. It is clearly not of presentation quality due to OCR errors, the associated PDF files however are usually simple scanned images and therefore free from these errors.<\/I>


  else {
    print "
  open(INFO, $file);          # Open the file
  @lines = ;                # Read it into an array
  close(INFO);                    # Close the file
#print "no. lines $nl \n";

  foreach $line (@lines)
    print "$line";
#  print "$key, $absname";

  print "<\/pre>
\n \n
\"[STECF<\/a> \n <\/td> \n Send comments to Paul Bristow Paul.Bristow\@eso.org<\/a> \n <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n <\/table> \n <\/center> \n
<\/pre> \n";